Friday, October 31, 2008

By Chance

I did this pastel drawing about 10 years ago. I used to draw from my sub-conscious. Starting off with squiggly charcoal lines and letting the images emerge. The balding man with the dark beard used to appear quite frequently. This particular drawing was once
in a show in Denver. At the opening a man asked me who the bearded man was. When I began to tell him how he just showed up in my drawings usually taking center stage or placing himself in the background, it was then that I realized it was him that I was speaking to. His name was Steve and whether he places himself in center stage or in the background, we've been good friends ever since.


kms handmade said...

Hmmm... very interesting. I think it's neat how you had a reoccurring character.

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Wow! That is crazy..and cool! I will post some more pics of my dome home in my next post. I wish I lived in a two story farmhouse!