Thursday, February 26, 2009


Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.
My father- in- law passed away today.
He was an extraordinary man.
I was honored to be his daughter-in-law.
Right now I am grappling with the idea that through death, one can learn about living.


Anonymous said...

So sorry. My condolences. Lisa in Stuttyville.

kms handmade said...

We love you Mary Beth!

Corinnea said...

I'm so sorry.

Norma's Nonsense said...

I am so sorry. It is so heart breaking to have to say good bye to a loved one.

Linda O'Neill said...

Hi Mary heart goes out to you. Your father-in-law looked like a very kind person. Maisie and I send lots of hugs your way. xox