Friday, September 26, 2008

Fox II

Red Fox II
16 x 20
acrylic collage
on paper


Corinnea said...

I really like this one a lot!

jafabrit said...

oh la la, I see you moved to centerville :) How did the move go? Did you ever visit Yellow Springs?

Thorngren said...

Yes- we were unlucky in finding a house in YS, but love it here in Centerville. We have some awesome neighbors.

jafabrit said...

sorry you couldn't find something in YS, but centerville is nice and I'm glad you found a home you are happy with.

jafabrit said...

So ae you going to be showing work in any local galleries there :) Have you checked out Town And Country co op gallery in Kettering?

Thorngren said...

Jafabrit-I did check out that gallery. I really don't have the time with my deadlines with my agent. Plus, they have a monthly fee that is pretty steep.Thanks for mentioning it,though.

jafabrit said...

eek, yes their monthly fee has gone up I believe. Lovely looking gallery, but I couldn't keep up with the fees, and my work didn't really fit.

If you ever want to do shows in Yellow Springs there are a number of venue's. check out the ys arts council blog I run, there is a listing on the left side of places that do rotating art exhibits. Also I am a member of the arts council which has two spaces to showcase work.

all the best